Team mission

Define your team's contribution and impact

For whom?

This session is for you if you want to understand your team’s mission and how to achieve it. A clear mission indicates the contribution and impact you make as a team. This creates connectedness in the team. Why do you exist as a team in this organisation? When is your mission successful as a team? And does your own image of this match the image of an internal or external stakeholder? First, you and the other team members clarify the mission. Then you make agreements, take decisions and draw up actions to realise the mission in daily practice.

Learning objectives

An understanding of ``The Why`` of the team: why do you as a team get out of bed every day?

An understanding of the team's mission, represented through a metaphor

An understanding of an external perspective (in - or external stakeholder) on the team mission


“The Why”

Who does not know them by now, Simon Sinek’s “Golden Circles” and/or his TED talk and book “It starts with the why”. The most frequently asked question after the release of this book was: “How” can I get to my “Why” or the “Why” of my team. Hence, Sinek wrote the book “Find Your Why”, in which he provides a concrete framework of exercises and questions to arrive at a concrete “why” for your team. During this session, we make use of this. You and your colleagues in the team will discuss what makes you proud to work for this team. What are these moments, what contribution does the team make to this and with what impact? In the end, you as a team will arrive at a common “Why”. This allows you and your colleagues to know why you work as a team in the organisation every day.



With their eyes closed, the team members imagine the realised team mission. This means a representation of what the team will look like in 1, 3 or 5 years from now. Using a series of questions, you get an image, thoughts, feelings and/or emotions. You and the other team members share these images with each other. You then examine the common denominator. Then, as a team, you choose an appropriate metaphor that symbolises the team.

The above exercises give you and the other team members an (own) picture of what the team stands for. High time to see how an external stakeholder looks at this from outside the team. After all, the team’s right to exist partly depends on this.


An interview with an external stakeholder

During the session, your team will enter into a conversation with an external stakeholder. The aim is to get an external perspective on your team’s mission. To what extent does this image correspond to your own? Based on this, you and your team can decide how to further shape your mission as a team and put it into practice.



Based on the defined mission and the plan for its realisation, your team makes an overview of agreements, decisions and actions. You take these to the team meeting for securing or in one of the other consultation structures.