Generations in the workplace

Connect the different generations in the workplace

For whom?

This session is for you if you want to improve the cooperation between the different generations in the workplace. In this session, you and your colleagues will gain an understanding of the different characteristics per generation based on scientific research. You will also share prejudices and judgements about the generations present in the workplace. Then, as a team, you determine which qualities of each generation you want to use to set organisational goals. And you make concrete agreements to optimise the cooperation.

Learning objectives

Creating a more effective cooperation between generations in the workplace

Defining a uniform standard in terms of mutual expectations about cooperation in the team and beyond.

An understanding of everyone's opinion (this facilitates the process). This makes conflict visible, discussed and converted into concrete agreements, decisions and actions.



No later than two weeks prior to the session, your team will receive the requested preparation:

  • How do you experience working (together) with different generations in the workplace?
  • What image do you have of the different generations?
  • What can you learn from the other generations and what can they learn from your generation?
  • What is needed to optimise intergenerational cooperation?


The session

During the session, we will use an active instructional format. You and the other team members write down and present your input regarding generational differences among yourselves. In this way, you will gain an understanding of where perceptions are similar and where they differ. We then contrast these perceptions with scientific research on generations. We look at the qualities and pitfalls of each generation and how to deal with them. In doing so, we explicitly agree on how you deal with each other and what behaviour you do and do not accept as a team. This ensures a more effective cooperation. It also helps to encourage addressing each other’s behaviour if desired.



At the end of this session, you as a team will have a concrete overview of all perceptions, qualities and pitfalls, concrete agreements, decisions and actions concerning mutual expectations about the cooperation. You take this with you to the team meeting for securing or to one of the other consultation structures.