From limiting to helping beliefs

Create an understanding of your beliefs

For whom?

This session is for you if you want an understanding of which beliefs help and hinder your behaviour with associated impact. Your behaviour is largely influenced by the beliefs you hold as a human being. Of course, alongside your nature, environment, experiences and so on, among other things. To actually take the step towards what you want in your work and/or private life, beliefs play an important role. Do they help or hinder you from actually taking a step? This understanding is necessary to come to a conscious decision in which you choose to take the step or not.


An understanding of your beliefs, behaviours and their impact to actually make the step towards your ideal job, working environment and/or ideal world

Creating helping beliefs (mantras) and making them tangible

Making a conscious choice about your next step



What thoughts do you have when making a next step in your private and/or working life? Do they help or hinder you? When they hinder you, you question them together with Ramon. You put them into perspective and replace them with helping thoughts. You draw up concrete actions to get helping thoughts into your system. All this with the aim of positively influencing and directing your behaviour with associated impact (for you). To ultimately arrive at a conscious choice about the next step in your career.




Actually, getting a new, helping belief into your system is challenging. A useful tool is making your helping beliefs tangible: you choose an object that symbolises this and we agree on how you see this passing by every day. As for choosing the next step in your private and/or working life: dwelling on your fears can also help.